Thursday, August 27, 2020

Cultural Study Report Chinese Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Study Report Chinese - Essay Example Intergroup rivalry and mentalities toward foreigners and migration: An instrumental model of gathering strife. Diary of Social Issues, 54(4), 699-724. Florack, A,, Piontkowski, U., Bohman, A,, Balzer, T., and Perzig, S. (2003). Seen intergroup danger and mentalities of host network individuals toward foreigner cultural assimilation. Diary of Social Psychology, 143(5), 633-648. Gudykunst, W.B., and Matsumoto, Y. (1 996). Multifaceted inconstancy of correspondence in close to home connections. In W.B. Gudykunst, S. Chime Toomey, and T. Nishida, (Eds.), Communication in close to home connections across societies (pp. 19-56). Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage. Hinkle, S., and Brown, R. (1990). lntergroup correlations and social personality: Some connections and lacunae. In D. Abrams and M.A. Hogg (Eds.), Social character hypothesis: Constructive and basic advances (pp. 48-70). New York: Harvester/Wheatsheaf. Hofstede, G. (1998). The social development of sexual orientation. In G. Hofstede (Ed.), Masculinity and gentility: The untouchable element of national societies: Crosscultural psychologyVo1. 3 (pp. 77-105). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: SAGE. Hofstede, G. (1998b). Similar investigations of sexual conduct: Sex as accomplishment or as relationship In G. Hofstede (Ed.) Masculinity and gentility: The no-no element of national societies: Cross-social brain science Vol. 3 (pp. 153-1 78). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Hofstede, G. (1 998c). Religion, manliness and sex. In G. ... Hofstede, G. (1983). National societies returned to. Conduct Science Research, 18(4), 285-305. Hofstede, G. (1996). Sexual orientation generalizations and accomplice inclinations of Asian ladies in manly and female societies. Diary of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 27(5), 533-546. Hofstede, G. (1998). The social development of sexual orientation. In G. Hofstede (Ed.), Masculinity and gentility: The no-no element of national societies: Crosscultural psychologyVo1. 3 (pp. 77-105). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: SAGE. Hofstede, G. (1998b). Similar investigations of sexual conduct: Sex as accomplishment or as relationship In G. Hofstede (Ed.) Masculinity and gentility: The untouchable element of national societies: Cross-social brain science Vol. 3 (pp. 153-1 78). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Hofstede, G. (1 998c). Religion, manliness and sex. In G. Hofstede (Ed.) Masculinity and womanliness: The no-no element of national societies: Crosscultural brain science Vol. 3 (pp. 192-209). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Hofstede, G. H. (2001). Culture's results: Comparing esteems, practices, establishments and associations across countries (second ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hofstede, G. (2002). The entanglements of cross-national review research: An answer to the article by Spector et al. on the psychometric properties of the Hofstede Values Survey Module 1994. Applied Psychology: An International Review, Special Issue: Challenges of applied brain science for the third Millennium, 51(1), 170-173. Triandis, H. C., Bontempo, R., Villareal, M.J., Asai, M., and Lucca, N. (1988). Independence and community: Cross-social points of view on self-ingroup connections. Diary of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 323-338. Triandis, H. C., Leung, K., Villareal, V.M., and Clark, F.L. (1985). Allocentric versus idiocentric inclinations:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Environmental Impact of Prescribed burning in the United States Essay Example for Free

Natural Impact of Prescribed consuming in the United States Essay The term recommended consuming alludes to an administration practice in which fire is utilized to consume a foreordained zone under indicated natural conditions.â Burning for this situation is utilized as an administration apparatus in territories that are defenseless against bursting into flames because of the ground spread that goes about as fuel load. Also, consuming is viewed as the most earth agreeable and least expensive technique for having woody development in an environment controlled.â Prescribed consuming in the United States is normal. In this type of consuming, controlled flames are utilized to consume a predefined land region after legitimate arranging which guarantees that the current climate conditions are good for the consuming. At the point when climate conditions are not reasonable for the consume, negative effect of the fire in the consumed zones is probably going to be seen (Dale et al, 2009).â In the United States, endorsed consuming is viewed as a significant administration instrument because of the advantages related with it.â Both the landowners and the United States National Forest System have been utilizing recommended consuming for a long time. As per the United States fire arrangement corresponding to the woods biological system, there is have to embrace endorsed consuming so as to upgrade the development of business woodlands, forestall out of control fire harm and to improve fire subordinate ecosystems.â However, recommended consuming has been scrutinized for its negative effect on the earth. For example, endorsed copying results to the freeing from land or utilization of land for horticultural exercises that effectsly affect the environment.â In this paper, the effect of recommended copying on nature in the United States will be discussed.â The paper will concentrate on the impact of recommended copying ashore after it is cleared by endorsed fires.â Land clearing that outcomes from the copying impacts adversely on the vegetation, soil, water and biodiversity. Proposition In the United States endorsed consuming is made important by the conditions in the woodland biological systems or farms. The consuming targets forestalling fierce blazes that can harm appropriately or lead to death of the individuals if the fuel load on the ground supports wild fires.â moreover, the United States national backwoods framework attempts recommended consuming exercises because of the biological advantages that consuming provides for the forests.â The national woodland framework partners endorsed consuming to the decrease of out of control fire risks, land improvement, game living space upgrade, creepy crawly and illness the executives and site groundwork for reforestation (Biswell, 1999). Instances of regions that have experienced recommended consuming exercises incorporate the California wild terrains, Florida Flatwoods and the Southern eastern US National Forest.â It is critical to understand that albeit endorsed consuming in these regions has its advantages to the biological system and the individuals; it additionally impacts adversely on nature after some time. Negative natural effect of endorsed consuming happens notwithstanding the way that recommended consuming is arranged in a way that limits negative impacts of consuming on the environment.â This has made the issue of recommended consuming to turn into a subject of discussion in the nation .While some think about recommended copying to lessen negative effect of fierce blazes on the earth, copying can likewise affect adversely on the environment.â Land clearing that outcome from the copying has negative impact on the earth. Conversation Negative effect of Prescribed consuming on vegetation in the wake of freeing from land Recommended consuming outcomes to the freeing from land in a foreordained territory as the fire consumes the fuel load.â The consuming has both aberrant and direct negative impacts after land clearing by the fire.â Land clearing thusly effectsly affects the vegetation, water, soil and untamed life. The negative effect of endorsed consuming in the United States has been seen in certain territories on the grounds that recommended consuming has become a significant movement in the nation. Consistently, countless hectares are singed. Albeit different techniques for consuming are utilized consume the vegetation spread in the foreordained zones, fires wreck the current vegetation by either harming or murdering the whole plant or parts of the plant.â This relies upon the length that the fire consumes or the power of the fire.â Prescribed consuming dependent on the cut decrease strategy results to the decrease of flotsam and jetsam. This technique is additionally used to lessen flotsam and jetsam if there should arise an occurrence of a characteristic occasion or street construction.â When the executives touched off fire is utilized, the consuming of a stand that has been set up is done while guaranteeing that fire doesn't spread past the foreordained territory. While little trees are totally scorched during the consuming, bigger trees may endure the flames however a portion of their trees might be destroyed.â When flames are touched off, the consuming woods energizes increment the temperatures which make it hard for the vegetation to endure. Since with regards to consuming the temperature of the vegetation and that of the air are significant, individuals who have the duty to touch off flames ought to do it when the air and vegetation temperatures can't energize fires that can effectsly affect the environment.â For example, endorsed fires in the United States during winter top execute the hard woods while hardwood rootstocks are slaughtered by summer consumes. In territories where consuming has not been accomplished for a long-term, profound natural layer that aggregates during endorsed consuming prompts the cambial harm of trees. Since just little warmth is required to devastate the plant cells in developing plants, consuming the vegetation executes developing plants. This prompts the short and long haul demolition of the vegetation which after some time opens land to changes that sway contrarily on the great states of the earth. One present moment and long haul effect of recommended consuming in the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National stops in the United States is the adjustment in species arrangement (Mary Berth, 2000).â This change modifies legitimate working of the environment since it prompts the development of new species while those that prior existed and are not open minded to fire before the fire neglect to recover. These two parks are situated in California’s South Nevada areas.â The parks spread around 864, 383 sections of land of land and endorsed consuming in these two parks was made fundamental by the longing to start natural advantages in the parks.â The two parks recommended fire programs were created in 1969 and keeps on being actualized so as to decrease fuel risk issue that may result from overwhelming surface fuel loads.â Though the flames have been utilized to lessen the harm that may result from serious fierce blazes, change in species structure because of the freeing from land by flames has throughout the years been seen in the parks. Flames have constrained the development of species that are not open minded to the fire lighted over a long time.â For example, the expansion in relative thickness of the goliath Sequoia because of recommended fires over quite a while has adjusted the development and endurance of some other plant species.â The fruitful fire systems rebuilding in the parks has empowered the recovery of the species that are fire-adjusted to the detriment of the species that are less-adjusted to fire.â The decrease of fuel load and the reclamation of woods structure after the flames change the number and example of development of plant species.â The parks have conifer backwoods ruled by the sequoia species. The adjustment in the species number in a woodland biological system influences the best possible working of the common biological system and this may prompt exposed ground and soil disintegration when plants and creatures that advance legitimate working of the biological system are dispensed with from the earth. In naturally touchy living spaces in the United States, endorsed fires have effectsly affected the recovery and endurance of plant species.â For instance, the riparian territories in a timberland system.â An examination completed to decide the impact of recommended fire on the riparian regions in the Dark Canyon region indicated that the fire devoured 90 percent of the ground fuel, 79 percent of the riparian zone pre-fire fuel, and 34 percent of the all out surface fuel.â The fire essentially diminished the rate front of the surface vegetation (Beche et al, 2005). When contrasted with the unburned regions, the consumed zone demonstrated an adjustment in the plant taxa wealth after the recovery of vegetation.â The decrease in plant taxa spread and lavishness changed the under story riparian vegetation network creation. These progressions show that when a territory encounters endorsed consuming for quite a while, vanishing of certain species can prompt decrease in the level of vegetative spread. In the California Oak forests, the Native Americans utilized fire to have the Oak forest vegetation altered.â Prescribed flames are considered to diminish the under story woody vegetation and have the tree thickness is lowered.â After the flames, recovery may result to development of vegetation in patches.â Since the settlement of Euro-Americans in the territory, endorsed fire touched off in an environment to make land for animals farms has evacuated the vegetation spread and rather promising the development of plant species that are useful for scavenge creation. The woody vegetation in the region has been affected.Eventually, diminished vegetation spread has made it simple for soil to be presented to either wind or downpour erosion.Prescribed fires in Oregon’s Mixed †conifer timberlands of Crater Lake throughout the years have modified species organization by murdering species that are not heat proof while giving good conditions to the recovery of fireproof species (Agee, 2003).â The Crater Lake National park has in

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Topics Covered With Homework on Essay Topics Dealing With Homophobia

Essay Topics Covered With Homework on Essay Topics Dealing With HomophobiaHomework on essay topics dealing with harships can sometimes be tricky. In an effort to assist students in coming up with the perfect harshness topic, there are some guidelines you should adhere to when compiling a list of harshness topics. The topic chosen should be used to elaborate on the theme of the essay. This will give the student the opportunity to express his opinions on a variety of different topics.You may wish to get the opinions of your students about a harshness topic before beginning your research. Remember, not all opinions will be true. Some students will make it a point to embellish their opinion, while others will feel that they have an excellent opinion. Most opinion forms submitted to instructors are basically only opinions, and not facts. If you're going to ask your students to create opinions, you should expect that they may exaggerate or change their opinion at any time.Once you have the opinions, it is time to do some research on essay topics dealing with harshness. There are many different sources available for this type of information. You should take the time to gather as much information as possible regarding the topic before deciding which one to use.You should do your research from the right sources. Your readers will be much more impressed if you've done your homework and consulted with the experts. These are the people who understand what is expected and why a particular essay is being written. They can easily tell you whether or not a harshness topic is going to be effective.If you find that harshness topics are not effective, then you may want to consider revising your topic. If you've made no progress at all, then you should be asking yourself why. Perhaps you simply do not have enough experience with harshness topics.If you are having a hard time coming up with a topic for your essay, consider hiring a professional. An essay service can help you out wi th both the topic and the writing process. You should take the time to see if they can come up with a rough draft of the essay before you hire them.Hiring a professional for a difficult topic is actually a good idea. With so many people interested in harsher topics, it is important that you can find someone who understands the topic. If the person does not have experience with the topic, it will be very difficult for him or her to get the right results. Hiring a professional essay writer to help you is an investment in your education and will save you plenty of time and frustration.It is important that you take the time to do some research on essay topics dealing with harshness. This research should be done before the assignment is due. This will ensure that you have the best possible material at hand when you begin. With the information you have gathered, you should be able to come up with a suitable topic for your essay assignment.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Moving West And Beyond How The Corps Of Discovery Shaped...

Anthony Tirone Mr. Campbell AP United States History 9 March 2015 Moving West and Beyond: How the Corps of Discovery Shaped Manifest Destiny Beginning in the early 1800s manifest destiny had no single root or cause, but became over time, a mindset which propelled the westward expansion of America. Manifest Destiny was the belief that the expansion of the United States throughout the continent of North America was both justified and inevitable. The actual term â€Å"Manifest destiny† was not coined until 1845 when an American columnist and editor, John O Sullivan, created it to promote the annexations of Texas and the Oregon Territory. However, before the term was coined, expansion had already been taking place in America for almost four decades. Beginning in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase, America had set in stone from early in its beginnings that the frontier was the future. To fulfill this belief, the United States needed to purchase the West from the French. On the last day of April in the year 1803, James Monroe signed three agreements with the French governm ent that caused the United States to double in size. The Louisiana Purchase gave all of the Louisiana Territory and New Orleans to America in exchange for 15 million dollars. This purchase and the events which followed are what began to make commonplace the yearning for full scale expansion of America. Now that America had obtained a vast landscape containing many unknowns, what else was there to do other thanShow MoreRelated65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words   |  190 Pagesper, sonal and professional advancement via an MBA that will prepare you for leadership challenges in any business field. You are aware, however, that Harvard Business School receives about ten thousand applications annually, and you are uncertain how to make your ap.... plication stand out. We understand. We have been in your shoes. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Analysis Of Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club, Homer s Odyssey

Elbert Hubbard once said â€Å"Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that. In Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, Homer’s The Odyssey translated by Robert Fagles, and Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, hope and expectation illustrate the thin line between success and utter destruction in which hope and expectation are found. Characters such as Junior, and Penelope have begun to master the art of hope, while characters such as June have people around her that lower her standards. Success is found in a perfect happy medium where the people that are surrounding the main character raise the standards of life. Through the analysis of a multitude of characters, it is prominent that when†¦show more content†¦Juniors parents were surrounded by the unsupportive. Because of this they never had the chance to come close to even realizing what sort of dreams they can set for themselves. Even if they found the cor rect expectation for themselves it was ignored because â€Å"nobody paid attention to their dreams†. This is exemplified by Junior’s family tree being stated as â€Å"poor people who came from poor people, all the way back to the very first poor people† (Alexie 11). When a family’s failure begins to become a dynasty, the only way for it to be avoided is for expectation to be seen and not completely ignored. Family can do many great things, like show love and care for others, but one thing that the family should not be responsible for is setting expectations. In Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, June deals with the constant struggle of being overpowered by the rest of her family, always being told what to do and not having the chance to develop her own expectations. When her mother says â€Å"Only two kinds of daughters. Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter!† (Tan 142), Suyuan sets herself up to be a controlling mother. If June is not thinking for herself, she will enter the real world and be get kicked to the ground and will not have a chance to get back up. We can see that at the end of the book June has been a completely

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Do Prisons Rehabilitate Essay - 1684 Words

Do Prisons Rehabilitate? In this essay, I shall be focusing on the whether or Prisons rehabilitate offenders. I will do this by focusing mainly on the Prison Service in England amp; Wales, the reason for this, being that the data and statistics for England amp; Wales are easier to obtain than that of other countries. The main information I will be referring to will be the rates of conviction, types of imprisonment, types of non-custodial sentences. Also I will explore some of the current methods of offender rehabilitation. Her Majesty’s Prison Service is composed of two main types of prisons, they are open and closed prisons. Following the Mountbatten Report (1965) Prisoners were placed into security categories, ranging from category†¦show more content†¦In general, it would be fair to say that the majority of people in England and Wales would agree with the statement that prisons are not working. The reason for this is that on average 50% of prisoners within 2 years of release will reoffend. Hence this shows that prisons do not rehabilitate everyone who passes through them, Norman Brennan is quoted below saying that it is not the prisons that fail, but it is the inmates that fail. I think that the only way that the prison service can rehabilitate offenders is if the offenders themselves are willing to be rehabilitated. â€Å"It is wrong therefore to say that prisons fail; it is their inmates who fail. If on discharge from prison the ex-prisoner re-offend, it confirms that a custodial sentence was right in the first place...† Norman Brennan, Director of the Victims of Crime Trust, and a 23-year serving policeman Often now, it is believed that a prison sentence is not always the most effective way of punishing an offender. As stated below, often a custodial sentence causes more harm than good. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing Perspective Service Dominant Logic

Question: Describe about the Marketing Perspective for Service Dominant Logic. Answer: Service Dominant Logic The approach of Service Dominant Logic (SDL) came up in 2004 that is considered as a fantastic principle for marketing a product (Lusch and Vargo 2012). SDL believes in co-creation of value rather than the embedded value concepts. The logic helps in making the company market its products in a better manner (Lusch and Vargo 2012). For example, the largest car sharing or car club company of UK provides the service of an automobile company ( 2016). Following the SDL, it is not just a car rental service, but the customers are relieved from the burden of monetary expenses such as maintenance cost. It offers the convenience of owning a car without having the hassles of servicing, repair or parking. I engaged with this company for a few days while I was in Manchester. I had the car booked for six hour in a day but it costed me approximately 42.82 (Armstrong 2015). The car was not suitable for me as I usually had long trips and I needed the car to drive out of London (Armstrong 2015). The marketer could have involved different pricing techniques as the service is suitable for people who have to make short trips within the city for grocery shopping or other local trips. The company could have adopted multi-party pricing strategy for short trips and long-trips. The car club follows the hourly car hire prices. It could implement the distance based pricing strategy that could be put as an option for the customers (Lusch and Vargo 2012). Street Car provides mobility services for co-creating value and offers the convenience of owning a car without having paid for the hassles faced. A strong value proposition can be created by clean cars and offering great services at a discount (Wang et al. 2016). During high demand periods, Street Car can consider charging higher prices and low prices during low demand. With this robust pricing strategy, Street car would not just co-create value, but also compete with other taxi and car hiring companies. Street Car must not follow one- size-fits all prices (Mohammed 2013). Dynamic pricing strategies could have made my experience better. I paid high prices for hiring the car due to which I was disappointed for availing the services. If the company followed dynamic pricing model, I would have paid a lesser price than what I had to actually pay for (Lusch and Vargo 2012). Moreover, I would be more loyal to the company and consider engaging with them. My attitude and behavior would be positive as I would have gotten a more personal experience. My satisfaction level would be high and I would definitely be a loyal customer if the value was created in a better manner (Lusch and Vargo 2012). Conclusively, service dominant logic not just sells products, but co-creates value for its customers. It helps in gaining the marketers a new perspective for creating value to the consumer. The firms can think of more opportunities that help in creating value through the services. References Armstrong, A., 2015.Enterprise drives off with City Car Club. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Lusch, R. and Vargo, S., 2012.The service-dominant logic of marketing. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe. Mohammed, R., 2013.Ubers Price Gouging Is the Future of Business. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]., 2016.About-us | Street Cars. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Wang, X., He, F., Yang, H. and Oliver Gao, H., 2016. Pricing strategies for a taxi-hailing platform.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 93, pp.212-231.